Whitianga Seaside

A subtle problem, slowly growing with every year. Are small coastal towns like Whitianga aware?

Thames-Coromandel District Council

The Thames-Coromandel District Council (TCDC) is in charge of overseeing everything that happens on the Coromandel, that includes Whitianga. Any changes or physical actions made in defense against sea levels must be presented to and approved by them before they can happen.

The District Plan is divided into sections and there are two sections that are about Natural Hazards which includes rising sea levels. The sections mainly talk about the effects of it, such as coastal erosion.

One of the sections explains that WRC is responsible for flood defenses and that the Plan is to allow this to continue. After looking at the headings of the report it appears that there are only two section that address the rising sea levels, however, the plan does go into more detail and addresses other concerns i.e land contamination, forestry significance, mining etc.

Th website for more information (when you click on a section, it will download):

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